Writing as a habit

I want to make writing a habit. If you don’t see a daily blog post on this website, I have failed to form that habit.

I believe writing as a habit will help me communicate and learn better and faster.

I am working on building other small habits which might help me in the long run.

  1. Squats: a body weight exercise to keep the largest muscle active
  2. LinkedIn Learning: learn something new everyday
  3. Cash Flow: Check financials of a public company to get comfortable with typical numbers and their relative ratios. This is for getting more active in investing.

I setup this blog using Jekyll and Github Pages. I am also using Github Codespaces to write the drafts and test it before pushing the code. I am not paying for any of these services. I am only paying for the domain and DNS management to AWS. I tried to keep the setup as basic as possible. The styling and formatting of the blog would be done later. Doing them right now would most likely distract me from the main purpose, i.e., writing.